Defenders of the Legacy is an unofficial multimedia fanzine focused on Bloody Roar, the fighting game series that's captivated people all over the world for the past twenty years.


Message us at [email protected] with any questions!

This is an unofficial non-profit project made by fans for fans and has no association or affiliation with Hudson Soft, Eighting, Raizing, or Konami.


If your question isn't answered here, send an email to [email protected]!

Q: What is Bloody Roar?
A: Bloody Roar is a 3D fighting game series that revolves around its cast of characters all having an animal alter-ego and swapping between human or beast form in order to get an edge in combat. It is also much more than that.
Bloody Roar takes many cues for its story and worldbuilding from civil rights, humanitarian, and environmentalist causes similar to the X-men, packs them together in a grungy late 90s/early 2000s urban sci-fi setting that embraces the virtues of community, found family, and the pursuit of peace through compassion in an effort to break the cycles of hatred and violence.Q: What is a zine?
A: Zines (pronounced zeen) are unofficially published booklets similar to magazines, hence the name. They are either digital or physically printed, made by non-professionals, and often produced as fanworks that use visual art and writing to express ideas about or appreciation for certain topics.
Q: What is the focus/theme of this zine?
A: Bloody Roar is still pretty niche despite its dedicated diehard fanbase, so we will be focusing on the series as a whole to celebrate this underrated classic!
Q: How will this zine be distributed?
A: Hosted on for free, available to anyone who wants it.
Q: Does the artwork need to be digital?
A: No! While the zine itself will be compiled and distributed digitally, contributors will be able to submit traditional art and even physical handcrafts. All we'll need to showcase them in the zine's PDF is a high resolution image or scan of your art.
Specifications for resolution, image size, and all of that will be made publicly available to everyone after the interest check wraps up.
(Keep an eye out for a new Carrd button!)
Q: What are the content limitations?
A: Bloody Roar is a teens and up series, so we'll follow canon typical limits. This means you may include foul language (swearing), blood and violence, mild body horror (such as partial transformations), and allude to mature themes as they pertain to canon, such as human experimentation. You will not be allowed to include nudity, sexual content, gore (dismemberment), viscera (entrails), or major character death.
Q: Can we portray any pairings?
A: Pairings/couplings and shipping as a whole will not be a focus of the zine so we would prefer to avoid overt romantic content. That said, we do want to see characters interacting! So if you have a ship you really like, it is okay to draw them together in the same piece and hint at it (canon examples include Alice hugging Yugo, Gado and Jenny sharing glasses of wine), we would just prefer if the overall tone of the zine be kept on the platonic or antagonistic side.
Q: Will OCs be allowed?
A: This project is a celebration of canon so no OCs will feature in this particular zine. However, if there is enough interest on this first volume, a separate BR OC zine could become a reality in the future!
Q: What about crossovers?
A: Same answer as above.
Q: Will contributors receive any compensation?
A: This is a passion project put together purely for the love of the game. Everyone who contributes is doing so on a volunteer basis with full knowledge that this is, ultimately, just for fun.
Q: Will mods be allowed to contribute?
A: Yes, mods will be allowed to contribute if they wish! Though they will also be considered among our other pinch hitters if we end up with less contributions than we need further into our production cycle.
Q: Can I apply for more than one position?
A: You can! But you must prioritize which positions you want most. Applicants will be held to their most desired position until they complete their first contribution, then they can consider additional pieces.
Q: Can anyone apply?
A: Everyone who follows the guidelines is welcome to apply!
(We'll have these clearly laid out before we open up contributor apps so everyone interested has time to prepare.)
Q: Do I need any previous experience with zines?
A: Not at all! I bet most applicants haven't participated in a zine before either.
Q: Is this an English-only project?
A: This is an ESL and other language-friendly zine! English and Spanish will generally get the best results in extended communication but we will do all that we can to accommodate anyone who expresses interest in this project from anywhere in the world, so please don't hesitate to reach out! We don't want language to be a barrier.
Q: Will contributors need to join a Discord server to participate?
A: This zine will have a Discord server set up for ease of organization between many contributors, but its use will not be required. We recognize that not everyone can use it for any number of reasons, so we will be sure to coordinate with contributors who are unable to join the server and ensure they are able to participate nonetheless.
If you have any concerns about being able to participate due to this or other reasons, please send us an email and we can discuss further details.Q: I'm new to Bloody Roar. Can I still participate?
A: Please do! Part of keeping this series alive is finding new people who can love it just the same, so if you find anything that appeals to you here then you're not only welcome to join the fun, we implore you!
Q: Where do I start as a newcomer to the series?
A: There's a few places, really. Since this is an older series, if you want to play the games yourself you'll most likely have to emulate them. The BR FGC Server on Discord has detailed instructions for how to do this. If you want to jumpstart learning about the characters, story, and setting, then the BR Wiki is a good springboard, but Mod Snoof has been working on compiling canon information from the games for the past few years which can be found in this document here. There is also SCXCR's Bloody Roar Retrospective series on YouTube, which continues to be the most thorough and accurate to date.



Interest Check #1
Interest Check #2
Mod Apps
App Reviews
Contributor Apps
App Reviews


Oct 1st thru Nov 1st 2024
November 15th 2024
December 1st 2024
Jan 1st thru Feb 1st 2025


Head Mod / Writer / Spot Artist

Hey there! I'm Snoof (she/her), also known as five5sixers. I've been in love with Bloody Roar since the first game released in 1997 and learned there was still an active following around 2019. This is my first attempt at running a zine or any collaborative project of this size and scope, but I have participated in a few zines before and I'm excited to share love for Bloody Roar any way I can!Check out my work on Tumblr - AO3 - Beast Drive

Mod Applications TBA